Friday night my family and I went out to dinner and Saturday night i had a 10:00 pm soccer game so i missed dinner completely. Sunday night was the only night during the weekend where i actually ate a homemade meal. My Mom is 100% Irish but married a italian man and grew up in a Italian nieghborhood. Therefor she sometimes acts Italian and most of the time she cooks Italian food. Most of the time during the week my family eats pasta because its quick and my little sisters like it. personally i dislike pasta if i eat it more than once a week. I usually just make myself dinner on the nights where my mom dosent want to cook another meal for me.
My meal on Sunday night was fetticini pasta with meat/tomato sause and meatballs with a Peach Snapple to drink. I like almost every snapple. I prefer it over soda and some juices. I should be drinking alot of water though so my muscles dont cramp when i play soccer. I rarely at pasta as a boy growing up but as i got older and became more educated in health and sports i relized that pasta with sause and meatballs is a great meal. It covers almost everything you need. I eat lots of carbohydrates during the week and i try to excersize daily to stay fit.
Honestly i havent really thoght about what my food tastes like when im eating it. Pasta really does not have a actuall taste, its more about the texture and what you put on the pasta. I really hate tomatoes also on anything i eat but for some reason i like ketchup and tomato sause. I dont even want to describe what meat tastes like from any animal, all i can say is it tastes good. I was just relived that i was putting food into my stomach because after about 10 minutes of any type of activity which even includes sitting down, i become very hungry. So i dont concentrate on what it tastes like, i focus on if my stomach is full. I guess i look at Pasta and sause as just something I eat but theres way more to that that I dont know about.
After my meal i went outside to my yard and played some soccer for a while, then i came back inside and had some apple pie.
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